Acton Leadership Academy
Outdoor time! It’s one of the richest learning experiences a child can have, and at Acton Leadership Academy, we make sure it’s a priority. If you’re wondering how much time your learner will spend outside, the answer is: A lot! Here’s what that looks like across different age groups.
Outdoor Exploration for Young Learners (Ages 4-8)
For our youngest heroes, outdoor learning is essential. They spend about
two hours outside every day, rain or shine—except for extreme weather like lightning or dangerously cold temperatures. Otherwise, they’re out exploring nature, playing in the mud, finding lizards and bugs, and even engaging in hands-on activities like a mud kitchen. Unstructured play and exploration help them develop curiosity, confidence, and problem-solving skills.
Elementary-aged heroes also enjoy significant outdoor time, including:
-Morning body break (15 minutes)
-Lunch break (1 hour, mostly outdoors)
-Sporadic afternoon body break
-Self-led PE (Twice a week, 45 minutes)
These learners aren’t confined to desks all day—movement and collaboration are key parts of their learning experience. Whether they’re outside building with sticks, running, or playing organized games, they stay active and engaged.
As heroes grow older, they have more flexibility in their outdoor experiences. They receive
at least an hour of outdoor time daily during their lunch break, with opportunities to read outside, relax in hammocks, or socialize in an organic, self-directed way. Their PE requirements can be fulfilled through organized sports, outdoor hobbies like rock climbing, or other physical activities they choose.
Beyond structured outdoor time, our learners engage in imaginative and nature-driven play.
At one campus, they’ve created their own miniature villages (“vills”), building small huts and structures out of found materials. Rainy days turn into “puddle days,” where younger learners dig intricate water tunnels and immerse themselves in creative exploration.
Climbing trees, playing in the dirt, and making up fantasy worlds—these are the things childhood dreams are made of.
At Acton Leadership Academy, we believe outdoor time is a critical part of learning! It protects curiosity, fosters independence, and ensures that our heroes grow up in an environment filled with sunshine, movement, and discovery.
If you’re looking for a school where your child gets to be a child—playing, exploring, and learning in nature—you’ve found the right place!
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