What is Acton Academy? Acton Academy Learning Philosophy
Our “Empowered for Life” Principles
We believe that every child is a genius who deserves to find their calling and change the world.

Our philosophy is built on three interconnected pillars that form the foundation of our unique approach to education:
Learn To Learn- Learn HOW to Learn, not WHAT to Learn

Learn To Do- Practical Learning With A Purpose

Learn To Be- The Heart of Acton Academy

If you want to learn about our Application and Audition Process, head HERE!
Sad Story
Once upon a time we lost all of our Youtube and Website videos!!! It felt so cumbersome as we worked to remember what content was needed to help the families who were trying to learn about Acton Leadership Academy. For months we found "links" with missing videos that were never to be recovered from the inter-webs. It was disheartening to have lost our earliest explanations and recorded experiences of Acton, and years of recording and editing work (and what felt like so much of our heart!). It was all lost. Fast forward to the videos on THIS PAGE! They are really raw, as we attempted to recreate our much more polished versions. We had to work quickly, as at the time these videos were foundational to our main webpage. Between kid interruptions, phone calls, bloopers, Brad's jokes, and a few minor --um-- discussions --um-- over what we had said before and needed to say now, we bring you these foundational videos that explain a bit of our Acton Learning Philosophy! Please ignore the antics and see the simplicity, real-world application, and beauty that these ideas can offer to your hero and your family. Hey, we just have to keep it real around here-- or we will never get anything done! :).